
Will A Piano Fit Into Your Small Apartment? Read This Article To Know More About Different Piano Sizes.

Pianos are a great instrument to express you and enjoy the music. However, because of their sizes, people often forbid themselves from getting the instrument themselves. Well, wondering about the piano sizes is a common concern before getting a piano. So, if you are wondering the same, here’s the answer for you.

You must know that there’re several types of keyboards available in the market. There are many pianos of smaller sizes that can easily fit into a small room. However, let’s see different types of pianos and piano sizes first.

  1. Grand Pianos: These pianos are the largest in size and need a lot of space to store them.
  2. Baby Grand Pianos: These pianos are small than the grand in size. In other words, these pianos are grand pianos in a smaller size. 
  3. Upright Pianos: These pianos are acoustic and need much less floor space. 
  4. Electronic Keyboards: The keyboards stand on a small stand. Plus, these keyboards are available in different piano sizes. So, smaller keyboards can easily fit into a smaller space

Whether you are a pianist wanting to downsize or just a beginner, you just need a keyboard. However, you have limited space to keep it. That’s when you need to consider pianos of smaller sizes. Now, let’s focus on the smaller piano sizes. 

  1. Electronic Keyboards: If you are just a beginner, these pianos can provide an excellent experience. Moreover, these pianos are super affordable and need less space to store. 
  2. Shorter Electronic Keyboards: Well, electronic keyboards come in a lot of sizes. As the size gets smaller, the number of keys gets fewer. For beginners, fewer keys can help in learning faster.
  3. Full-Size Electronic Keyboards: Of course, these keyboards have a lot of keys, i.e., 88 keys. These keyboards are for advanced players. These are of smaller pianos sizes, so you can get them.