
Do You Know Even Females Are Becoming Flutist? Learn About The Most Famous Female Flute Players in The World.

Since ladies are ruling the world, then why not in the music industry as well? Females are learning musical instruments to excel in that field. There are thousands of females who have made an identity in the music industry. Similarly, there are many prominent female flutists in the world. If you are interested in knowing about the famous female flute players, keep reading the article. 

Here is the list of the most famous female flute players to inspire you to learn the instrument.


India Arie Simpson, aka India. Arie is an American singer and songwriter. She is one of the most famous female flute players. In addition to that, she has sold more than 3.3 million records in the US and 10 million around the world. Moreover, she has won four Grammy Awards, including Best R&B Album.

Ana Caram:

Ana Caram is a Brazilian singer, guitarist, and flutist. She is better known for her bossa nova music. She went to Sao Paulo University and obtained a degree in musical composition. 

Mindi Abair:

Mindi Abair is one of the most famed female flute players. In addition to that, she is a saxophonist, vocalist, author, and National Trustee. Moreover, her recordings have been nominated in the Grammy Awards two times. 

Julie Fowlis:

Julie Fowlis is a Scottish folk singer, who is one of the most famous female flute players. Moreover, she has won the Horizon award at the 2006 BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. 

Bobby Humphrey:

Bobby is an American jazz flutist and singer. Plus, she is known for her jazz fashion, funk, and soul-jazz. In addition to that, she has recorded twelve albums. Plus she founded the jazz label Paradise Sounds Records.

Virginia Hudson:

Virginia is an American flutist and teacher. She works as an instructor of flute at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith faculty. 


Want To Become A Flutist? Get Some Inspiration From The Famous Flute Players In History.

The flute is an amazing musical instrument to listen to and play. Moreover, it is one of the oldest musical instruments. Though the size of the instrument has changed a lot, the popularity has remained the same. In this article, we have come up with a list of the most famous flute players in history. If you are interested in learning to play the flute, continue reading this article. 

1. James Galway:

Anyone interested in flutes knows about James Galway. He is one of the most well-known flute players in history. In addition to that, he is popularly referred to as the man with a golden flute. Other than that, he has performed in front of world leaders, presidents, and dignitaries.

2. Jeanne Baxtresser:

Jeanne Baxtresser started her career as a flutist at a very young age. She made her orchestral debut with the Minnesota Orchestra at 14. In addition to that, she has played as the principal flutist of world-famous orchestras. That’s the reason she is one of the most famous flute players in history.

3. Matt Molloy:

Matt Molloy is a talented Irish flute player. He started playing the flute when he was just a young boy. Moreover, he toppled the All Ireland Flute Championship at an age of 17. He has been an inspiration to many young flutists. That’s why he is one of the most famous flute players in history.

4. Georges Barrere:

Of course, Georges Barrere has to be on the list, when it’s about the most famous flute players in history. He was the one who helped in shaping the modern flutists.  That’s why he holds a prominent position in the history of the instrument. 

5. Bobbi Humphrey:

Here comes the “first lady of the flute”. Bobbi Humphrey was the first female flute player to sign with Blue Note Records in 1971. Other than that, she was famous for her jazz fun and soul-jazz fusion.