
Has The Sound Post Of The Cello Fallen Down? Find The Best Cello Repairing Store Near You.

Are you having a problem with your cello? Has the sound post of the cello fallen down? Don’t worry!! It’s a common problem that many cellists face. It happens due to many reasons. You must have dropped the instrument, causing the string to lose its tension. Or, the cello might have been exposed to drastic climate change. You can get it repaired from the best cello repairing store. You just need to find the best “cello repair near me”. 

Even you don’t face any problem while playing the cello, your cello needs some care sometimes. Regular maintenance is good to have a well-maintained cello. However, it can be difficult for you to properly take care of your cello. That’s when you need to look for the best “cello repair near me”. A professional technician can repair the cello better you can yourself. He can fix problems any problem you might face. Some other common problems are:

1. Scratches:

The technician will buff out all the surfaces with a pumice and paraffin oil on a soft cloth. Therefore, you can get in touch with the repairing center by a search for “cello repair near me” on Google.

2. Warped bridge:

The bridge of the cello can become warped on exposure to severe conditions. In other words, it can be because of the exposure to excess humidity and temperatures. Other than that, it can be also because of the continual tightening of the strings of the instrument. Therefore, you should call a technician by a search for “cello repair near me” on Google.

3. Open seams:

It occurs when the sides of the cello come apart from the face or back. You can use glue to secure the opening if it is small. However, it is better to call a professional technician if you are not confident enough. Plus for a larger opening, a professional expert is a must. Therefore, you should call a technician by a search for “cello repair near me” on Google.


Cello Lessons for Beginners: Learn Cello Lessons Online

Music is known as a universal language and musical instruments are an integral part of it. Among all the musical instruments, the cello is known to be a great tool. Learning how to play the cello effectively is something that does not require much effort if you learn it from the best source. If you want to learn the cello, then you can go for Online Cello Lessons

If you are just starting, then it would be best for you to learn cello online. This is known to be a very efficient and convenient way to learn cello. You do not need to have any previous musical training at all. Some so many people have been learning cell online and have been benefiting from it. 

Online cello learning is considered to be a self-paced format which is generally taught via a bunch of streaming or downloadable videos available on online libraries or platforms. These online lessons exactly mimic the teaching of a music teacher in a class of students. The only difference is that you are allowed to pause or stop the video according to your need and convenience. And then you can re-watch the video whenever you want. 

Benefits of online cello lessons
  • User-friendly platforms: There are different websites where you get to learn online cello. Such sites are created for the sole purpose of teaching cello online. All the videos are to be played in proper sequence, and you should pick up the course quickly.
  • Structured Learning method: Online cello lessons come with a structured learning method. The materials of the course are relatively easy to understand.
  • Learn at your own pace: You can learn cello online at your own pace. Nobody would rush you to know it quickly. You can take all the time in the world to understand Online Cello Lessons

In this regard, you can visit Lee’s Music Store to get a cello or other kinds of relevant musical instruments. You can also take online cello lessons from this online store. 


Is Cello a Difficult Instrument to Play? Learn the Easiest Way of Playing from the Best Online Cello Lessons.

The 21st century is an era of tremendous work pressure. People tend to get depressed due to work pressure. Psychologists claim that music can help us get rid of depression and stress. Also, learning to play a musical instrument improves their cognitive health. However, people find it easier to go in for online music lessons. 

Whether cello is a delicate instrument to play:

Cello is an easy instrument to play. People who represent both the violin and the cello claim that cello is the easier of the two. 

Many people say it is easy to play cello after taking some online lessons. Let us find out some more comfortable ways of playing after receiving the best online cello lesson.

Most natural ways of playing cello:

Online cello lessons have their advantages. Someone who takes online cello lessons should follow some guidelines. They will make playing cello easy. Lee Music Store has qualified music trainers who teach people how to play cello for reasonable charges. 

Here are some of the easiest ways of playing the cello:

Tuning: It is essential to tune a cello. Cello is an instrument that is sensitive to any change. So, it is necessary to optimize the cello before each online cello lesson. Beginners must always check the device with the help of an electric tuner at the beginning of an experience. 

Applying the correct rosin:  The students should rosin their bows properly. If the student rosins, his bow, has a powerful effect on the sound. Otherwise, the student may associate the wrong pitch with some notes.

Select a proper model: The size of the cello should be proportionate to the player’s body. If the cello is bigger or smaller than the user’s body, playing it becomes painful.

Conclusion: The teachers from Lee music stores are aware it is time-consuming to play any musical instrument. So, they never scold the trainees for not producing accurate sounds immediately. However, the trainees should never be too harsh on themselves also for being slow learners. Online cello lessons provide a perfect platform for people to showcase their talents. 


Greatest Cellists Of All Time

The cello, otherwise known as a violoncello, is a bowed instrument with four strings. It’s a close cousin of the violin & viola and double bass.

 The cello can be played as a solo instrument, as well as in chamber music ensembles, string orchestras, as a member of the string section of symphony orchestras, and some rock bands.

We have listed the greatest cellists of all time.

Mstislav Rostropovich

Mstislav Rostropovich, a great cellist of the 20th century, was born in Baku Azerbaijan in 1927 to parents who were talented musicians. Before entering Moscow Conservatory to study cello at the age of 16, his parents trained him. He graduated from the conservatory in 1948, later becoming a professor in the same school. 

Jacqueline du Pré

Born in Oxford in 1945, Jacqueline du Pré is a legendary cellist of the 20th century. While being there, she was shining by receiving all the school’s internal awards. Despite dying at 42, Jacqueline is known as a great romantic artist, and also the subject of a film named Hilary and Jackie.

Pablo Casals

Born in 1876 in Catalonia, Spain, Pablo Casals was a cellist and conductor, famous for his newly innovated technique and skilled interpretation of music. He was able to create an individual style with the help of his left hand, which he made more flexible to be able to use a freer bowing technique. Casals was known as a romantic for interpreting modernism in his own extraordinary way.

Yo-Yo Ma

Yo-Yo Ma is one of the brightest French-born American Chinese cellists. Born in 1955, Yo-Yo Ma started performing from the age of four and a half. Three years later, his family moved to New York, where he spent his schooling years. Instead of attending a conservatory as most of his friends, he decided to try himself at Harvard University and graduated in 1976 with a Liberal Arts degree. 

Julian Lloyd Webber

Julian Lloyd Webber, born in 1951, is a talented British cellist of our time. He is also performing as a conductor and currently is the principle of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. His most significant collaborations with various artists include Elton John and Cleo Lane. Later he even formed his ensemble.

 Paul Tortelier

Paul Tortelier, a french cellist, born in 1914, was known for his elegant, emotional playing. His international career, perhaps, peaked when he played Don Quixote for a Richard Strauss festival in London in 1947, which he also performed under the composer himself. Tortelier died of a heart attack in 1990.

Arthur Russell

Born in 1951, Arthur Russell was a formally trained, talented cellist and composer from Iowa, United States. Having a background in Indian classical music, he is best known for beautifully combining different music genres like classical, folks, disco, rock. Throughout the 2000s, many books, compilations, and biographical documentaries were dedicated to him.

Luigi Boccherini

Luigi Boccherini was born in Lucca, Italy, in 1743, in a musical family. He was a talented composer and cello player who is best known for works that influenced the string quartet’s development as a musical genre. 

Jacques Offenbach

Born in Germany, this French cellist and composer were famous during the Romantic Period of music. He went on to become one of the most celebrated cellists during the Romantic Period.

Tina Guo

One of the few living cellists on this list, Tina is only in her 30s and is on track to living a legend. She became playing cello when she was seven years old, and her parents forced her to practice for 6-8 hours a day. She has performed with famous musicians, including Carrie Underwood, Stevie Wonder, and Hans Zimmer.


Reasons To Learn Playing Cello

The cello has been around for at least 500 years, although it’s changed a great deal from its original design.

The cello is a fantastic instrument, capable of performing multiple musical roles, and this versatility is the reason its rich tone has crept into almost every musical genre.

If you want to learn to play an instrument through online cello lessons or music lessons, you can think about the cello. There are a few reasons why you should try learning the cello.

Critical to all ensembles

The cello gives balance amidst other high-pitched instruments such as the violin, which is why it plays a unique role in quartets, trios, orchestras, and chamber groups.

Endless solo options

If you select the cello over other instruments, you will have more solo chances to enjoy than any average musician. The list of solos is endless, as almost all well-known composers created solo pieces, particularly for the cello.

To build your physical strength

Playing the cello will not give the same results that cardio will, but it certainly has some tangible advantages. Firstly, the cello is not a small instrument- it requires physical strength to move it from place to place, which can be great for your physique.

Ideal for young students

Anyone can learn to play the cello, but it is especially suggested for young players. Young students are excellent cello students because youth typically comes with enthusiasm for learning a new instrument. Adult players have their sets of benefits like enhancing control, but it is always advised to start learning an instrument when you are still young.

It has an impact on your learning process

Learning to play the cello is a significant venture that incorporates all learning styles, like auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic learning styles that make it easy to concentrate. Playing the cello also strengthens other learning processes like coordination and multitasking, which are beneficial in real life.

To enrich your memory

The cello is an exceptional instrument that can be quite rewarding. The process of learning the cello needs extensive learning, which in turn does wonder for your memory.

It is extremely marketable

Excelling in playing the instrument like the cello requires complete dedication and the development of specific skills such as a keen sense of timing and the ability to work in a team.

The cello is versatile

The cello is a versatile instrument. Its versatility is why it can be used in all types of musical genres, including electronic, contemporary, rock, and so forth.

It produces the best sound

Musicians have agreed that the cello is the only instrument that mimics the human voice well. The music made by the cello is not as high pitched as the violin, and it is not as low as the bass.

It is right for you

Playing the cello enables you to escape the hustle coming with contemporary life. When playing, it is easy to immerse yourself into the experience, so it can also be an excellent form of meditation and relaxation.

Our masters are teaching online cello lessons privately, they are the most skilled teachers and also double bass coach in several schools.